Who would you vote for in the French presidential election? Pretend you’re a French citizen and cast your ballot!
Last Sunday, John Oliver appealed to French citizens, urging them to learn from the United States’ experience and cast their ballots in what is an incredibly influential election. Considering the parallels between the recent American and French presidential elections, France-Amérique invites its American readers to weigh in.
This poll is now closed. See the results below and vote in our second poll!
Emmanuel Macron: 32%
Marine Le Pen: 18.7%
Jean-Luc Mélenchon: 17.7%
François Fillon: 11.8%
Benoît Hamon: 7.9%
Jean Lassalle: 2%
Philippe Poutou: 2%
Nathalie Arthaud: 0.5%
Jacques Cheminade: 0.5%
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: 0.5%
François Asselineau: 0.48%